Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This little girl gets it!

Must watch. I feel ya, child. I feel ya!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Things that are easier than changing my baby's diaper

This photo is NOT of my baby. My baby won't sit that still...

Here are a few things that would be easier for me to accomplish than changing the diaper of my almost 9 month old:

1. Becomming an astronaut

2. Flying an airplane

3. Performing brain surgery

4. Diapering a monkey

5. Learning Chinese

Anyone else feeling my pain?


Marley's Mom




Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"Our house is going to blow up!"

I'm kind of impressed that it took 8 months for us to have our first official freak out.

I was cooking dinner on our gas stove and I thought it smelled funny. I mentioned something to my husband but we brushed it off. Later that night, as I was boiling water for tea, I noticed the strange smell again. It smelled like kerosene. I am not an expert in natural gas but I knew something wasn't right. I yelled for my husband and sure enough he noticed the smell. Before we knew it the whole house wreaked of kerosene.

Do we have a gas leak?! The carbon monoxide thing isn't going off.

(Registry must if you don't already have one: click here)

Normally, we reach out to Google to answer questions like this but with a new baby in the house we immedately called the gas company to inquire about what could be causing the odor. The woman didn't listen to anything we had to say or answer any of out questions. She instead insisted we had a gas leak. We needed to get the baby and get out of the house, stop using our cell phones, and wait for a technician to arrive... STAT.

Is this for real?!

I had just put Marley to bed. Dang it. Better safe than sorry. We all headed down stairs to wait. Then we got the brilliant idea to Google "why does my stove smell like kerosene?" Lo and behold, I read several cases of folks having just had their wood floors cleaned or sealed and for whatever reason the gas combined with the sealant created the smell.

Well, sh*t!

We had the marble and tile in our master bath cleaned and resealed that morning. Why didn't we Google this first!? Now we are standing outside for no good reason.

The technician arrived and confirmed that our house wasn't going to explode. He let us know that this wasn't the first time he had seen this. That made us feel slightly better but silly nonetheless.

Two take-a-ways from this little freakout:

1. Natural gas + sealants = bad smell

2. We should have Googled it first

That being said, gas leaks are not something to mess with! If you suspect a gas leak, CALL! But now you know if you have work done in your house it could also be that :)


Marley's Mom


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Two Years Ago

I have a journal that you write one line a day in for five years. I went to write in it today and found this... It is amazing how time flies.