Exactly one year ago today, we found out we were expecting! I'll never forget that morning or the way I felt. Excited, joyous, nervous...
What a year it has been. I still have a hard time believing it all. She's really here!
Pregnancy is complete and total magic. I'm so blessed to have been able to experience it and will never take that time for granted.
366 days ago I was just me. 365 days ago I became Marley's Mom.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Vroom! Vroom!
I saw on TV recently that some car manufacturers are building vacuum cleaners into cars! Brilliant! A mom must have came up with that idea.
I don't have anything that genius but here are my top items and ideas for your getting your car baby ready...
This is easy to install and has lots of pockets to hold diapers, wipes, spare outfit, pacifiers, tissues, hand sanitizer, books and toys.
I tried the Jeep brand accessories (I have a Jeep so I thought they would work great) and was really disappointed in all of them. The Brica is a solid option and feels really high quality (at a cheaper price) compared to the others I looked at (Britax, Jeep, Munchkin.)
I like to spray this on after grocery trips or after a mommy and baby workout class. You've heard me preach about Honest products before and honestly...I probably won't ever stop. Free of nasty tricolsan, parabens, and dyes. It smells nice and doesn't leave any weird feeling on your hands or dry them out.
Blankets (for baby and your car!)
You'll want one for the baby in case you forget to throw one in your diaper bag but another big giant one to throw down on your trunk to keep it clean. An old sheet would do the trick too! My trunk is filthy because I didn't put anything down. I really regret it because getting my car detailed is the last thing on my to-do list. I'll put something down when I eventually get around to that...
Have a fave product you use in your car? Comment below and share it with me!
Marley's Mom
Have a fave product you use in your car? Comment below and share it with me!
Marley's Mom
Monday, February 17, 2014
They may sleep... or they may not. You will definitely not. At least for a whiile. Then when you think you've got a great routine going the 3-4mo sleep regression sets in. I had low expectations around this subject so 4 or 5 hour stretches of sleep were great for me but oh, what I would do for a solid 8 hour, uninterrupted night of snoozin'.
Here are a few of my favorite products involving sleep...
My husband and I were really torn on this one. So many people said just use the pack and play for baby to sleep in. This may sound snobbish and for that I'm sorry but we didn't like the way it fit/looked in our bedroom. We came across this super stylish and pretty affordable bassinet on Amazon and we couldn't be more pleased with it. I also think it is making the slow transition to the crib easier because the wooden slats resemble the same ones in our crib. What is even more exciting is that it can be used as a toy chest after you move baby into their crib! Boom. Double purpose. The first month we propped the bassinet up to help with slight acid reflux Marley experienced from laying flat on her back. Funny enough, the hardcover Twilight books we're perfect for this!
Fun fact about this mattress (and probably every cradle mattress) is that it is waterproof. You don't need to buy a waterproof cradle mattress protector like I did. Duh, Sam!! If you happen to come across a mattress that isn't and you are in need of one let me know and I'll mail you the one I bought that I absolutely do not need.
We received this as a gift and Marley loves it! You have four different sound options (heartbeat, rain, ocean, and whales) Mommy and Daddy's favorite is the ocean setting as it has helped us fall asleep too! One down side (maybe it isn't a downside for you) is that it turns off after 45mins. This feature (and the shorter 23min option) is great for nap time but for overnight I really like having it on non-stop. Marley is 14 weeks old now and we still haven't had to change the batteries, another positive note for this product.
We spent three weeks in Ohio for the holidays and packing Sleep Sheep wasn't going to happen because we were SO tight on suitcase space. I ordered this portable sound machine for our trip and I absolutely love it. Again, you have four sound options: white noise, lullaby, ocean, and heartbeat. It takes AAA and honestly eats them pretty quickly so maybe consider rechargeable batteries for this one. This is great for the car or walks too!
An absolute MUST in our house! Marley loves being swaddled. We stuck with it and it's paid off for us. We used the hospital blankets for the first week or two then when she Macgyvered her way out of that we started using this sleep sack. The velcro makes it really easy to use. Daddy was way better at this in the beginning because he wasn't afraid to make it tight (which is what you need to do!) Be aware that around 3 months if you notice baby getting kind of fussy at night that they may need the size up in sleep sack. Marley couldn't extend her legs and got frustrated and woke her self up during the night for two nights until I figure it out. These come in two sizes: newborn and small. You'll need the small when baby gets to be around 22-23in long. Put both on your registry!
Here is what happens when Mommy swaddles her sometimes... I find her like this in the mornings! She thinks she's pretty funny!
Find this helpful? Have you own favorites? Comment below!
Marley's Mom
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Note to self...
Don't eat celery while nursing your calm, happy baby in a quiet room. The sound of the crunch may scare the actually sh*t out of them and they may even start screaming uncontrollably.
Sorry, Marley.
Mommy won't do that again :)
Monday, February 10, 2014
Bums the Word

No joke... the first time I put baby powder on Marley's bum I gasped and said to my husband, "OH MY. Its true!! Now I know why they say soft as a baby's bottom!"
I am going to be so sad when Marley is potty trained and out of diapers because I love Honest Company so dang much! Lucky for me they make rockin' healthy household products (and now vitamins!) so I'll still be able to order from them. Honest diapers are free of scary chemicals and dyes so we can sleep easier at night. Bonus: the customer service is amazing. I acutally really like talking to the folks who work there... one time we got off topic and started talking about our favorite foods. Hard to come by that kind of service these days!
I have a couple of the really pretty ones from Pottery Barn that I received as gifts but I find them really difficult to put on our changing pad. I'm always fighting it! I found the aden + anais ones to be SO soft and really easy to put on. The first few weeks your kid is going to sh*t all over them and you'll be washing them frequently. I recommend getting 2 or 3. These are much less expensive than the PB ones too! I would also recommend several basic blankets like these to put on top of the changing pad cover to help prevent soak throughs.
Pulling a string of wipes is so incredibly frusterating when all you want is one and you only have one hand free becuase you're trying to hold baby's butt up off your changing pad cover so you don't have to wash it for the 3rd time today! This product is a problem solver!! It has a weight inside that prevents you from pull 6 wipes at a time. It's genius... I wish I would have thought to manufacture these.
Cornstartch works fantasic and is very cheap but this stuff smells fantasic. No parabens or other scary ingredients. Talc-free and absorbs natually. Marley's bottom loves this fancy little treat!
SO I know... it's a pretty expensive diaper bag but I adore mine! My favorite part by far is the zip out changing pad. I've been able to quickly and quietly change Marley's diaper in some really weird places without anyone noticing (an airport and a coat check closet at a wedding!) I also really like that I can wear it across my chest or use the straps to carry it as a backpack. I would choose a print with the coated canvas because it's really easy to clean (just wipe off dirt with a baby wipe) Be careful with the lighter color ones and denim. I knew this but chose to ignore that your jeans can rub off a little blue from your butt onto the back of the bag.
Hope you find this helpful! If you have any great baby products for those cute little buns you love please comment below or send me a message! You can also follow me on bloglovin by clicking here.
Marley's Mom
Hope you find this helpful! If you have any great baby products for those cute little buns you love please comment below or send me a message! You can also follow me on bloglovin by clicking here.
Marley's Mom
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
valentine's day gift ideas for mommies...
Being a mom is often times a thankless job yet it is one of the most important ever! Celebrate the mommy or mommy-to-be in your life this Valentine's day and show them how much you appreciate everything they do. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing...
After I had Marley, a dear friend of mine stopped over with this little treat. These teas are comforting and delicious and probably something I wouldn't have ever thought to purchase for myself. She may have also brought a pecan pie that I enjoyed with my tea that afternoon (and the next afternoon after than..and the next after that)
I had someone recommend this to me when I was pregnant. It's a little journal for moms to be able to record the little things each day. Like, baby giggled today, or she rolled over! It's a fun little 5 year project and would pair perfectly with a little box of chocolate of a bottle of wine for mommy this Valentine's day.
These beads are perfect for thecrunchy mama in your life. Tiny Devotions make beautiful malas. End of story. I especially love their variety of motherhood options. I've linked to set that currently has piqued my interest but take a look through all of them and be sure to read each one to find the one that will suit her best!
These may be my latest obsession! They are fun and stackable and the more the merrier. There are so many different charms to choose from. It's probably the coolest version of a charm bracelet I've ever seen. I have one that says "MOM" on it. They also make, "Grandma" and "Godmother" as well as more general ones like "Love."
Massage Certificate
Need I say more? She deserves it! She spends a lot of time hunched over nursing or has baby propped up on her hip. Help her de-stress with a gift certificate or offer your hands for an hour long blissful massage.
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