Monday, February 17, 2014


They may sleep... or they may not. You will definitely not. At least for a whiile.  Then when you think you've got a great routine going the 3-4mo sleep regression sets in. I had low expectations around this subject so 4 or 5 hour stretches of sleep were great for me but oh, what I would do for a solid 8 hour, uninterrupted night of snoozin'

Here are a few of my favorite products involving sleep...

My husband and I were really torn on this one. So many people said just use the pack and play for baby to sleep in. This may sound snobbish and for that I'm sorry but we didn't like the way it fit/looked in our bedroom. We came across this super stylish and pretty affordable bassinet on Amazon and we couldn't be more pleased with it. I also think it is making the slow transition to the crib easier because the wooden slats resemble the same ones in our crib. What is even more exciting is that it can be used as a toy chest after you move baby into their crib! Boom. Double purpose. The first month we propped the bassinet up to help with slight acid reflux Marley experienced from laying flat on her back. Funny enough, the hardcover Twilight books we're perfect for this! 

Fun fact about this mattress (and probably every cradle mattress) is that it is waterproof. You don't need to buy a waterproof cradle mattress protector like I did. Duh, Sam!! If you happen to come across a mattress that isn't and you are in need of one let me know and I'll mail you the one I bought that I absolutely do not need. 

We received this as a gift and Marley loves it! You have four different sound options (heartbeat, rain, ocean, and whales) Mommy and Daddy's favorite is the ocean setting as it has helped us fall asleep too! One down side (maybe it isn't a downside for you) is that it turns off after 45mins. This feature (and the shorter 23min option) is great for nap time but for overnight I really like having it on non-stop. Marley is 14 weeks old now and we still haven't had to change the batteries, another positive note for this product.

We spent three weeks in Ohio for the holidays and packing Sleep Sheep wasn't going to happen because we were SO tight on suitcase space. I ordered this portable sound machine for our trip and I absolutely love it. Again, you have four sound options: white noise, lullaby, ocean, and heartbeat. It takes AAA and honestly eats them pretty quickly so maybe consider rechargeable batteries for this one. This is great for the car or walks too!

An absolute MUST in our house! Marley loves being swaddled. We stuck with it and it's paid off for us. We used the hospital blankets for the first week or two then when she Macgyvered her way out of that we started using this sleep sack. The velcro makes it really easy to use. Daddy was way better at this in the beginning because he wasn't afraid to make it tight (which is what you need to do!) Be aware that around 3 months if you notice baby getting kind of fussy at night that they may need the size up in sleep sack. Marley couldn't extend her legs and got frustrated and woke her self up during the night for two nights until I figure it out. These come in two sizes: newborn and small. You'll need the small when baby gets to be around 22-23in long. Put both on your registry!

Here is what happens when Mommy swaddles her sometimes... I find her like this in the mornings! She thinks she's pretty funny!

Find this helpful? Have you own favorites? Comment below!
Marley's Mom

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