As pictured, you can see she is splish-splasin' in a Fisher Price Whale of a Tub. It's cute and fits nicely in our tub. When baby gets bigger you can take out the seat to create more space. I think my favorite part about it is just how cute it is (sometimes it's OK to buy things because they are cute and this is one of them.)
Another tub I found, (that I wish we would have found while registering) is the Brica ComforTemp Infant Bather. You can put it on the counter and it catches all the water and spits it out into the sink. We also received the Angelcare bath support and we love it but it doesn't have the water catcher under it. The Brica seems like a WIN. The surface of the Brica and the Angelcare make bath time easier because baby doesn't slip AT ALL. Marley has figured out that in her whale tub she can arch her back and slide down a little. Fun fact: we used the Angelcare bather as a little seat for Marley when we were on vacation and it worked perfectly.
Save your knees and make sure you have something to kneel on! Going along with the whale theme we have the Skip Hop kneeling pad. (Note: we also have the spout cover that helps prevent injury and is mold & mildew resistant and bath toy organizer for easy storage. Both are great!)
Baby Aspen's shark towel. I've gotten this as a gift for a couple of friends. It's really just too cute. Pottery Barn also makes a pretty cute one that Marley received as a gift. How adorable?!
Baby Lotions! I don't always put lotion on Marley but when I do I reach for Shea Moisture's baby healing lotion. It gives me peace of mind that its made from organic ingredients and I love the smell of frankincense and myrth. For a less expensive option, Aveeno makes a great baby lotion. I have also used Burt's Bees but honestly didn't care for the scent at all.
Enjoy bath time with your littles!
Marley's Mom
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